Ep 6: Healing Shame & Guilt on The Birth Warrior Journey

Published: Aug. 15, 2020, 10:34 p.m.

Shame and guilt are two of the most difficult emotions to overcome after a loss or infertility diagnosis. They hit at such a tender, tender place. And because whatever we feel guilt or shame around, we tend to feel safer keeping it a secret, these difficult emotions fester under the surface. But staying in shame and guilt can have a negative impact on our emotional balance, which can then negatively impact the conception and pregnancy journey. 


As a continuation from Ep 5 where I introduce the scale (or ladder) that our emotions exist on, I dig deeper into guilt and shame here, and how to finally start releasing them. We do so by changing the way we look at them and how we look at ourselves.


If you're intrigued by what you hear in today's episode, let's continue the conversation in my private Birth Warrior Community on Facebook / https://tinyurl.com/yb9c6xus. I host a Weekly Live every Weds at 12PM ET where I share resources that I don’t share anywhere else and answer your questions in real time!


You can also find me on Instagram providing inspiration, reassurance, and extra love to Birth Warriors on their pregnancy journey after loss or infertility: @thebirthwarriors

And feel free to say hello to me at hello@nataleefacey.com