Ep 5: Do Your Emotions Scare You? Here's Why They Don't Have To

Published: Aug. 10, 2020, 2:33 a.m.

Jealousy, Sadness, Shame, Anger, Fear, Blame...these are some of the emotions we experience after a loss or infertility diagnosis. They are a natural and often necessary part of our healing journey, and yet we stifle them when they show up because they seem so ugly and icky. What if I told you that it’s in creating space for them that you’re able to heal and release them? 

In this episode, I share a framework called The Scale of Emotions by spiritual teachers, Abraham Hicks, and how to use it in your healing and pregnancy after loss or infertility. You’ll learn that:

   1.  Whatever emotions you’re experiencing are good, right, and valid  

   2.  You have access to better, more uplifting emotions by applying the simple techniques I share in this episode


Grab the Scale of Emotions here (https://tinyurl.com/ep5-scale)!

And here’s where you can find me online: 

> Hanging out with The Birth Warrior Tribe in our private Facebook Community (The Birth Warrior Community) / https://tinyurl.com/yb9c6xus. And yes, you should absolutely join us for support on your healing and pregnancy journey. I host a Weekly Live at Weds at 12PM ET and share resources that I don’t share anywhere else!

> On Instagram providing inspiration to those needing some love and reassurance for their pregnancy after loss or infertility: @thebirthwarriors 

> Via email me at hello@nataleefacey.com