Where The Glow Up Journey All Started- With Elise Marin

Published: May 14, 2020, noon

At only 20 years young, Elise is an influencer and content creator amongst much more. Elise is known for her "Glow-Up" Youtube channel which she began over 3 years ago! She's now killing it with 33k subscribers, and influencing people all over the world with her inspirational content. Her journey began back in high-school when she was lacking confidence and struggling with self-acceptance. Elise went on to have the ultimate glow up and find herself and what she loves. She's only getting started but is incredibly powerful and I'm honored to have her on the podcast. Enjoy!

Elise IG: https://www.instagram.com/glowuptips8/

Elise Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEayBSr3vgNcYBxztZc-2Ow

Powerful One Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/powerful0ne/

Tommie Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mountainteep/

Website: https://powerful-one.com/

Podcast: https://powerful-one.com/podcast/

Shop: https://powerful-one.com/shop/