The Three Whisky Happy Hour: A PIG Goes to Market & The "L-Word"

Published: July 29, 2023, 2:20 p.m.

b'After clearing the decks of the latest headlines from the week involving Biden trials and Trump tribulations, we get down to business discussing John\'s new book The Politically-Incorrect Guide to the Supreme Court (co-authored with Robert Delahunty). Naturally Steve and Lucretia have some issues to pick with John.

Steve manages to annoy everyone by noting the Statute-That-Cannot-Be-Named-On-This-Podcast (rhymes with Lean Fair Fact) and connecting it to the "L-Word," meaning the Lochner case. You thought it meant something else? How old fashioned and quaint in this Age of Infinite Pronouns.

And did Kamala Harris set a new low in hypocrisy and bad faith this week with her attack on Florida\'s African-American history standards? Let us count the ways. . .'