Bonus: Heart & Mind

Published: May 16, 2021, 8:43 p.m.


CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains discussion of homophobia and mental illness. Listener discretion is advised.

In this public release of a bonus episode originally released on Patreon in August 2019, Jaye discusses the divorce announcement of Joshua Harris, the author of Christian self-help book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, and his wife, singer Shannon Bonne, and their apparent ongoing deconstruction from evangelical Christianity. Are people who hold harmful beliefs capable of change? Jaye acknowledges her own deconstruction from toxic theology, and reflects on two people who influenced her life journey and departure from evangelical Christianity. These two people, who both passed away in the summer of 2019, were instrumental in setting her on the road to becoming a better human in both heart and mind.



Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still\\xa0

Fresh Fallen Snow composed by Chris Haugen

You Can\'t Fail composed by Density & Time

Wish You\'d Come True composed by The 126ers

Battle Royale composed by Au.Ra
