91 - Disrupting Whiteness: Conversation with Drick Boyd, Ed.D.

Published: July 6, 2021, 9 a.m.


Activist, former pastor, and professor emeritus Drick Boyd, Ed.D. joins Jaye on this episode of Potstirrer Podcast to discuss his thought-provoking book Disrupting Whiteness: Talking With White People About Racism. This riveting conversation includes themes that are a part of Dr. Boyd\'s book, teaching and activism, such as understanding one\'s "race story," how to overcome the reticence of some white Americans to engage with and discuss race, "white saviors," anti-racism, solutions that engage and transform the culture, and more.

Order Disrupting Whiteness: https://www.amazon.com/Disrupting-Whiteness-Talking-People-Racism/dp/1938798384

Read more from Drick Boyd, Ed.D.:
Blog: https://drickboyd.org/blog/
Other Publications: https://drickboyd.org/publications

Additional links and resources:
NewCORE Philadelphia: https://newcorephilly.org/
Restorative Cities Initiative (more information): https://www.philadelphiareentrycoalition.org/single-post/mccp-philly-hosting-free-three-part-training-on-restorative-practices

Source cited:
Dupree, Cydney H, and Susan Fiske. 2018. \\u201cSelf-presentation in Interracial Settings: The Competence Downshift by White Liberals\\u201d. psyarxiv.com/pv2ab.

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Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still
