28 - Riverside Chats Part 1: Listen to Each Other

Published: May 20, 2018, 1 p.m.


In our multi-parter second installment of Riverside Chats, Jaye is joined by her husband Chuckles as they share just a little bit of their lively political conversations - as a couple with divergent political views. In Part 1, Jaye and Chuckles debate the Stormy Daniels controversy, revisit health care, and begin discussing the 2018 midterm elections. Should the Democratic Party attempt to court Trump voters, and if so, how can they do that without losing their base?

The Riverside Chats special format is brought to Potstirrer Podcast on occasion to include some diversity of thought to the show and to encourage learning and discussion outside of the "echo chambers" of the right and the left.

*Note: For Riverside Chats, we experimented with a different sound setup. My apologies in advance for any sound issues. -Jaye

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Raga Rage composed by Noisy Oyster provided by freesoundtrackmusic.com
