103 - Speaking Up About Religious Trauma: Conversation with Andrew Pledger

Published: April 30, 2022, noon

b'Activist, artist and podcaster Andrew Pledger joins Jaye on this episode of Potstirrer Podcast to share his compelling story about growing up in Christian fundamentalism and his road to recovery from spiritual abuse. The conversation includes discussion of mental health, religious trauma and abuse, and the role of ultra conservative Christianity in inflicting and enabling trauma. How did a senior art project and an interview with former evangelical author Joshua Harris lead to Andrew\'s expulsion from conservative Bob Jones University?

Speaking Up with Andrew Pledger:\\xa0
Religious Trauma is Trauma (Fine Art Photo Series): https://www.instagram.com/4ndrewpledger/guide/religious-trauma-photo-series/17999363926411608/\\xa0
Every Story Matters with Josh Harris - Interview with Andrew Pledger: https://www.instagram.com/tv/Ca--9vFAxqs\\xa0

Andrew Pledger link in bio: https://www.liinks.co/4ndrewpledger\\xa0

Link in Bio:\\xa0http://potstirrerpodcast.com/linkinbio/\\xa0
Jaye Pool\'s Medium:\\xa0http://medium.com/@marinabreeze\\xa0


Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still
