No Mind Games: Real Talk About Hypnotherapy Featuring Kim Yurkovich

Published: March 1, 2022, 5 a.m.


A lot of people have a lot of opinions about people who pursue any kind of therapy to address emotional and other mental health challenges.  There are all kinds of reasons: some believe therapy discloses problems we should protect from outsiders.  Others think therapy is for people who are weak, weird, or just can't get their shit together.  And even individuals themselves may be convinced that seeking therapy means they're not self-sufficient or self-reliant.


Whatever the reason, when therapies are perceived as more esoteric -- like hypnotherapy -- fears and judgments are only further compounded.  But the truth is, millions of people use hypnotherapy to help them manage any number of issues that stand in the way of them fulfilling their true and full potential, and it's an effective tool to do so.


In this episode, clinical hypnotherapist Kim Yurkovich helps us explore what hypnotherapy is, isn't, and how it helped her -- and now those she helps -- improve life.  Listen and learn, and as always, if you need help. . . get it.  
