2. Austria-China Relations during Covid-19

Published: Aug. 4, 2020, 10:54 a.m.


While the Covid-19 crisis has not induced a restructuring of Sino-Austrian relations, it might intensify Austria\\u2019s European engagement regarding China. Austria might hence be impelled to continue on a national level its policy of neutrality and non-confrontational approach towards China but increase its engagement on a European level.

Sofia-Maria Satanakis, Research Fellow at the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy, and Lucas Erlbacher discuss the state of the Austria-China relation during the Covid-19 crisis. Lucas Erlbacher is the author of the Austrian Chapter in the Special Report \\u2018Covid-19 and Europe-China Relations\\u2019 by the European Think-Tank Network on China (ETNC).

To read the special ETNC report visit: https://www.aies.at/publikationen/2020/covid19-eu-china-relation.php
