Roundup: Taxes and Mayo Clinic, ACA myths and Uwe

Published: Nov. 17, 2017, 8:21 p.m.

It’s been a busy week in health care, and PULSE CHECK is here to help make sense of it all. First, POLITICO’s Paul Demko and Sarah Karlin-Smith join Dan Diamond to discuss Republicans’ tax reform plans, Alex Azar’s nomination as HHS secretary, the state of ACA enrollment and Dan’s reporting on the Mayo Clinic. (Starts at the 2:00 mark.) Then, Dartmouth professor Brendan Nyhan sits down with Dan to discuss his research into myths and lies about the ACA, vaccines and other health care issues, and how to change a person’s mind. (Starts at the 27:15 mark.) Finally, Dan reflects on Uwe Reinhardt, the giant of health policy who passed away this week. (Starts at the 45:35 mark.) We’d appreciate your help: Please share PULSE CHECK and rate us on your favorite podcast app! Have questions, suggestions or feedback? Email Stories and work referenced on the podcast: Sarah and Adam Cancryn's story on Alex Azar, the nominee to lead HHS: Paul's story on the early ACA enrollment numbers: Dan's story on Mayo Clinic's growth and rural patients' anger: Brendan Nyhan's work on death panel myths: The New York Times' obituary of Uwe Reinhardt: