News roundup: Week 1 of the Trump administration

Published: Jan. 28, 2017, 3:11 a.m.

One week ago, Donald Trump was inaugurated as president — and within hours, he was making moves to weaken the Affordable Care Act. After a frenetic week of news, POLITICO's Jen Haberkorn joins Dan Diamond for an impromptu podcast to discuss President Trump's order and statements on the ACA, the state of the GOP's push to repeal and replace the law, how HHS Secretary-designate Tom Price's nomination is faring and other major stories shaping health care. *Note: Podcast was recorded before Friday night's POLITICO scoop that the Trump administration would allow HHS to run some outreach for the Affordable Care Act after all . We’d appreciate your help: Please share PULSE CHECK and rate us on your favorite podcast app! Have questions, suggestions or feedback? Email