Ep3 | Breathwork, The Breath, Breathing- Why it’s VERY Important to our Health and Wellbeing

Published: Dec. 16, 2020, 9 a.m.

 For the ancients of India, the way we breathe was not something that just automatically happened. They paid attention to their breathing patterns and worked to strengthen and train their breath, just like we train our mind and bodies. 


When strong thoughts or emotions get control over us, it’s difficult to calm ourselves down with our thoughts, however, a beautiful tool we can use is learning to regulate or become aware of our breath. Since our mental state and the breath are linked (think of how you breathe when you’re scared or anxious and think of how you breathe when you’re relaxed) we can control the breath, and when the breath changes, the mind state changes with it. 


We go over the history of controlled breathing, also known as pranayama. We talk about how it has shaped our own lives, why if you have kids you should start working on this when they’re young and we go over some actual breathwork practices. 


∙ For more information, courses and in-person retreats visit us at www.pointsofillumination.com and sign-up for our FREE teaching: 5 minutes to calm using nothing but our own breath.

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