When it really kicks off! – PP53

Published: Nov. 17, 2014, 5:16 p.m.

What do you do when a learner really explodes? Paul explains what to do and what not to do!

Discuss choices
Clearly and calmly explain the behaviours which you observed, how they relate to the classroom plan and that the student has made a ‘poor choices' so far. Tell the student that you want them to make better choices. You are then focusing on the behaviours and the student is less likely to feel personally attacked.

Don't chase secondary behaviours
Focus on the behaviour you are correcting and do not discuss anything else. If the student tries to divert you tell them that you understand what they are saying but they still have a consequence/need to make better choices in their behaviour.

Plan you interaction
Make sure that you take a moment to structure what you are going to say and keep to that ‘script'. Think carefully about your verbal and non-verbal communication. Enjoy the skill of being able to stay in control of the confrontation.

Don't bring up past misdemeanours
Focus on the single, identifiable behaviour which you have seen. All students start each class with a clean sheet.

Remember that you are the adult
Losing your temper will leave you exposed. Try and see the interaction for what it is - an adult helping a child to learn about behaviour and make better choices.

Get on their level physically
If they are seated, try kneeling or bending over, rather than standing over them.

Avoid negative comments on cultural styles
Students should be allowed to dress themselves and their hair within the agreed limits of the school's dress code and to move as they please if this does not encroach on the space of others...
"Best educational use of media (podcast), by Pivotal Education" http://t.co/hplRNxMquk Cc @pivotalpaul pic.twitter.com/RfNptmCLT3

— TeacherToolkit (@TeacherToolkit) November 13, 2014

(Creative Commons image by Feans. Creative Commons Sound clip by Johnny Pixel Productions, Inc. - http://www.johnny-pixel.comhttp://www.freesound.org/people/jppi_Stu/)

Read the rest of the show notes on the Pivotal Education site.

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