P.I.D. Radio Live: Sheila Broughton West Coast Conference on the Paranormal

Published: July 13, 2010, 1:54 a.m.

b'AFTER A technical glitch that ate the first ten minutes of the show, we made connections with a survivor of demonic activity who\'s taking the fight back to the enemy. Sheila Broughton is pulling together the West Coast Conference on the Paranormal, tentatively set for October 9 at Irvine, California, with speakers Joe Jordan, L.A. Marzulli, Dr. Michael Heiser, Zen Garcia, Russ Dizdar, Helena Lehman, and Dr. Joy Jeffries Pugh.
This is a huge undertaking, especially for someone who\'s out of work at the moment, so help is appreciated. Find more information, contact Sheila by email at cydonia222 (at) ymail dot com.
The View From The Bunker archive and links to the live show are at the new View From the Bunker website, www.VFTB.net. And check out the other like-minded Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.
Click the arrow on the player below to listen now, or right-click (control-click if you have a Mac) the "download" link to save the mp3 file to your hard drive.'