Best of P.I.D. Radio: The New World Order Scam

Published: Jan. 10, 2012, 2:31 a.m.

b'WE\'RE POSTING again an interview we did in December of 2005 with David Duncan, who wrote an article that bears re-reading from time to time, The New World Order Scam.
David lays out a disturbing scenario, his belief that Christians are being set up to take the fall for most of what\'s wrong with America and, by extension, the world. He called his theory the biggest double cross in all of history.
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Also, please visit the P.I.D. Radio Facebook page, and don\\u2019t forget the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.
Click the arrow on the player below to listen now, or right-click (control-click if you have a Mac) the "download" link to save the mp3 file to your hard drive.'