SEASON 1: #011 - Transforming the Lives of Black Men Around the World through Technology Enabled Collaboration

Published: July 17, 2020, 8:20 a.m.

Starting his entrepreneurial career at the age of 11, now 30 years old Ras has been an entrepreneur for longer than he hasn’t, achieving recognition across the board for his achievements and impact socially, commercially and technically learning and understanding early on how to formulate effective business plans and present them effectively.

… a skill that’s served him well.

Featured in the 30 under 30 by Inc. Magazine, breaking racial barriers in technology start-up eco-systems, named one of the TechStars Rising Stars and successfully launching the world’s first all-black cooperatively owned and operated Private Equity firm serving the furtherment of black-owned businesses around the World and how it began.

A fascinating example of innovation and entrepreneurship winning through against the odds.

Here’s a glimpse of what we cover:

- Implementing learned theory to solve the challenges of today’s world

- The opportunities brought about by change and how to use them for good

- The importance of emotional intelligence in life and business

- Driving home the importance of learning what to say, when to say it and how to say it depending on the audience

- How business is changing for digital natives; millennials, gen z and gen a - and how soft-skills are becoming more and more in-demand.

- The ability to Integrate people into business… these will be the businesses that set the precedent for the next 100 years

- Connecting Ancient Ideas with Modern Technology to Address Real-World Challenges

- Overcoming the 3 strikes instantly going against him and his business partner before they got started

- The importance of having people on your team over people in your circle

- Staying grounded in life and business

Learn more about Ras & his businesses:

BREAUX Caps (Merch)

SISS Capital

BREAUX Capital


at SARVA we believe in preserving and developing the everyday genius of our young people - the next generation. The Everyday Genius we refer to is the creative inspiration that IS available to all of us when we are connected to our source, our core, our humanity. When we are able to reconnect, ignite and inspire this globally, we connect cultures, foster diversity and create the leaders of tomorrow our world needs.

To fulfil our mission we are creating a global online learning platform for the next generation to preserve the creative genius of children into adulthood, connect cultures and foster diversity.

We’re going live in autumn of this year, to learn more head over to to see the amazing rewards, become a founding member and pledge your support.

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