#302: Eyal Lurie-Pardes on the Push to Rebuild Jewish Settlements in Gaza

Published: Nov. 16, 2023, 12:40 a.m.


Ideological settlers are seriously talking about plans to resettle the Gaza Strip,\\xa0 to re-establish Gush Katif and turn back the clock on the 2005 disengagement, which they perceive as a national trauma. Eyal Lurie Pardes, a visiting fellow at Washington\'s Middle East Institute, discusses this matter.\\xa0

Eyal\'s article on this topic in the Forward: https://forward.com/opinion/568553/israel-settler-movement-gaza-reoccupy/

Eyal\'s article on the Israeli government\'s curtailing the freedom of expresion during the Gaza war: https://www.mei.edu/publications/amid-gaza-war-palestinian-citizens-israel-feel-target-witch-hunt

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