#122: Virtual Dove: The Ambassadors (1)

Published: April 24, 2020, 4:42 p.m.

This special episode of PaceCast is our first “Virtual Dove” episode, featuring personal, human stories, vignettes, anecdotes, and experiences that underscore positivity in and around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Maybe even hope.  

The first show of Virtual Dove features stories by former ambassadors to Israel and former US Jerusalem consul generals.

The show is split into two parts. The fist part, this episode, features two former US Consul generals to Jerusalem, Jacob (Jake) Walles and Edward (Ed) Abington. Their stories shed light on two of the most promising chapters in Israeli-Palestinian relations.

The second part will be uploaded soon. It will feature stories by two former ambassadors to Israel.

Stay tuned.


Recordings of past “The Dove” shows: here, here, here and here. 

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Write to Ori Nir