Episode 360: Get Funded Fast, with John Livesay.

Published: Nov. 7, 2016, 9 a.m.


John Livesay is a funding strategist and helps CEOs craft a compelling pitch that engages investors in a way that inspires them to join a startup\\u2019s team. He is partners with Judy Robinett in \\u201cCrack The Funding Code\\u201d, which gets founders \\u2014 funded \\u2014 fast. He hosts \\u201cThe Successful Pitch podcast\\u201d with investors from around the world. He is the Pitch Mentor at Startfast.net, the number one accelerator in Upstate New York. INC magazine calls John \\u201cThe Pitch Whisperer.\\u201d After a successful 20 year career in media sales with Conde Nast where he worked across all 22 brands in their corporate division, John won salesperson of the year in 2012. John is also the author of The Successful Pitch: Conversations On Going From Invisible To Investable.

Secret \\u2013 timesaving technique

John prepares and stacks his "moments of certainty" -- investors give money to those who are confident. ONWARD!

Daily habit that contributes to success

Plan tomorrow today -- John writes down the three things he must get done.

Could have ruined your business \\u2013 but now \\u2013 an invaluable learning experience

John got 71 no\'s in a row -- and John tells the whole story here.

Most critical skill you think business owners need to master to be successful

"Listening -- when you become a great listener -- then you become a great storyteller."

Most influential lesson learned from a mentor

"Smart leaders are smart readers." \\xa0

Final Round \\u2013 \\u201cBreaking Down the Recipe for Success\\u201d

What systems would you go back and put into place sooner?

I would have had the foresight to use Trello to keep track of the podcasting process.

What one strategy or \\u201crecipe\\u201d would compound into big wins for business owners?

Focus on activities that generate revenue. Period.

How to exceed expectations and add the most value?

An individual would have to share in my vision.

What strategy would you recommend new business owners focus on to best ensure success?

  1. Make sure you are very clear on who you help and what problem you solve
  2. Why you and why now?
  3. Make sure your why is bigger than just making money

How best to connect with John:
