Teaching Transferable Skills

Published: Oct. 31, 2023, 6:30 a.m.

b'Transferable skills or global competencies are the skills and attributes that students are said to need in order to thrive in an ever-changing world. Based on international research, information provided by employers, and work across education sectors, these transferable skills \\u2013 sometimes referred to as \\u201cglobal competencies\\u201d or competences\\u2013 are said to help students navigate the world of work and meet with success in the future. Here are 7, though they vary a bit across districts and states or provinces:

  • - critical thinking and problem solving
  • - innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship
  • - self-directed learning
  • - collaboration
  • - communication
  • - global citizenship and sustainability
  • - digital literacy
On tonight\'s panel:

Deb McCallum@bigideasinedu@bigideasinlit
Christine Chin@MmeChinFSL
Lynn Thomas@THOMLYNN101
