One Life Left -- x05 -- Christmas Special '08 -- Christmas Mixtape

Published: Dec. 25, 2008, 3:40 a.m.

Hello! As you probably already know, OLL’s Christmas gift to you isn’t a show, but a mixtape of sorts, badly-put-together by Ste. The tracklist is below. It’s probably best not to read it if you haven’t listened yet, because it’s best to be surprised. But when you have, check back here and visit the page of the artist you love and buy something from them. It’s about time, right?


Happy Christmas, and see you on January 5th!


OLL Theme // Iain Cook

Killing In The Name // Uoki-Toki

Breaking Wave // Random

Chip 2 Bit // Trash80

Salut! France // Errors

99 Problems // Jay-Z vs Combat Dave

Girl Gamers (Live) // Craig ‘The Rage’ McClellan (+ Derek Williams on Synths)

I Love Love You // Guitar Vader

It Dies // Mr. Miyagi

Sexy Back // Justin vs Combat Dave

Space Music // Sexy Synthesizer

Technologic // Daft Punk

Playerd // Copy

Door (Covox Remix) // Ram Rider

Kicks // She

CRIMEWave (LAZRtag HARDer Remix) // Crystal Castles vs Health

Free Market Economy (Live) // Derek Williams

Sponsored By Destiny // Slagsmalsklubben

Put That Pussy On Me // Spank Rock vs CFCF

The Crystal Cat // Dan Deacon

Heartbleeps // Hiroshi

You Take My Breath Away // The Knife

Umbrella // Rihanna vs electronicMESS

Star Child // gwEm and Counter Reset