One Life Left X Gamasutra presented by GDC Monday

Published: Feb. 28, 2017, 6:23 p.m.

We’re easing ourselves into GDC week with a low-key hotel room recording, but there is nothing low-key about our brilliant guests.

Adriel Wallick fills us in on how Train Jam went, Rami Ismail from Vlambeer talks to us about his talks this year, Unity’s Kerry Turner tells us what it’s like being on a booth.

We’re also joined by The New Yorker’s Simon Parkin, Shailesh Prabhu from Cape,  Mediocre’s Henrik Johansson, and Runa Haukland and Henriette Myrlund from Splash Jam.

If that’s us at low-key, imagine where we’ll be by the end of the week.