One Life Left vs Gamasutra: GDC 2014 #3

Published: March 21, 2014, 1:16 a.m.

Recorded on the afternoon of the 19th of March 2014, live from the foot of the escalators in North Hall of the Moscone Center, One Life Left presents OLL vs Gamasutra Show #3: THE THREEQUEL. Hosted by Scantlebury, Byron and Curran, ably assisted by the rich tones of Kris Graft (EIC, Gamasutra) and starring Terry Cavanagh (Distractionware), Manveer Heir (Bioware, very handsome), Alex Fleetwood (ex-Hide&Seek), Peter Molyneux & Jack Attridge (22 Cans), Erin Catto (Blizzard), Matt Piersall (Gl33k), Daniel Benmergui (Storyteller / Ernesto), Sean Vanaman (Campo Santo), Rupert Loman (Eurogamer Network), Mare Sheppard & Raigan Burns (Metanet), Geoffrey Zatkin (Eedar), Chris HArvey (Drinkbox Studios). Music from Jredd (Silence), Frostbitewaveform (The Thaw), Kommisar (Caduceus), Laffe the Fox (Left Alone In Outer Space), Stinkbug (Afternoon Out).