One Life Left vs Gamasutra #1: 6/3/12

Published: March 7, 2012, 7:26 p.m.

It's One Life Left's first broadcast from GDC 2012, in which the team join Gamasutra and a  star-studded panel to look GDC culture. Listen in as the panel discussing today's hot topics, tomorrow's must-see sessions and last night's Like-a-Prayer shame.

On the panel today:

FORTHRIGHT WRITER Evan Skolnick (LucasArts)

ESTHER VISIONARY Dan Pinchbeck (thechineseroom)

JOUST KING Douglas Wilson (Die Gute Fabrik)

FABULOUS JOURNEYWOMAN Kellee Santiago (thatgamecompany)

LUMINOUS PROFESSOR Brian Moriarty (Worcestor Polytechnic Institute)

ENCHANTING CHANTEUSE Leigh Alexander (Cry Me A River)

Tonight our guests sparkling conversation features recommendations for things to do at GDC, recollections from GDC's past (going all the way back to GDC #1) and predictions for the future.  There's also breaking news about Dan Pinchbeck's bright orange sneakers.

Download / listen here.