One Life Left -- s19e09 -- #382 -- Get a Hat

Published: July 10, 2019, 7:29 p.m.

No Super-Special Guest this week means we get to look at the items that we've neglected for the past few episodes. A look in our collective spam folders shows that we had been missing out on other SSGs, genuine job offers, and opportunities to improve parts of our bodies. So if you've been really annoyed at us for not responding to an email we're sorry. Although if you're on The List you might be waiting a little bit longer for that reply.

There was some pre-Develop chat, with two of the team potentially making themselves homeless. Simon spent part of last week meeting the gaming aristocracy, by meeting Lord Sir Charles Cecil (presumably at one of those exclusive members' clubs). We also found out about another distant relative of Simon's, we believe that we're now up to four countries. Let us know if you're a Byron and you need to buy any Switch games when you are in the UK.

As the world's longest-running videogame radio show we took the opportunity to talk about Stranger Things, and tried to work out how much of a journalist Ann is. We also clarified if adults played Fortnite, and worked out the Slay the Spire can be played on mobile.

Team OLL x



1. Cuby The Box - w8v
2. Amateur LSDJ - Tabula Rasa