One Life Left -- s14e14 -- #328 -- News 64

Published: Aug. 2, 2017, 7:21 p.m.

It’s our last show of the current season, and we were already one person down with Simon going to Canadia. But would Dan Marshall have listened to our pleas last week and be our Super-Special Guest, or will we remember to not mention him on the show?

In related news Ann does a review of Dan Marshall’s Behold The Kickmen and we had Sega Badawi as our Super-Special Guest. It was Sega’s first time in the studio and we took full advantage to ask him about reporting from the Mushroom Kingdom. We even got him to do a live local news, which he nearly did perfectly. Although he did slightly spoil Weaselspoon’s letter about Edinburgh by rabbiting on about footballers so the links below detail the shows that he mentioned.

The other link relates to the news story that Sega found out on his rounds. How will Ste and Ann react to his investigation? Presumably the same way that our CD player took the first attempt at playing the news jingle.

See you in about six weeks!

Team OLL x


1. Amateur LSDJ - Explosion
2. Feryl - Summer Is Fading
3. Alone - Your Eternal Adventures