One Life Left -- s14e11 -- #325 -- Who Ate The Dog Food?

Published: July 12, 2017, 7:29 p.m.

(Who, who, who, who?)

There’s no Ste this week. After literally getting out of his sick bed to dj at Ann’s wedding celebration he then literally went back to his sick bed. This meant that Simon was in charge of the studio so there could be problem with the wrong jingles being played. Luckily our Super-Special Guest that we’d booked ages ago wouldn’t let us down right?

We activated the ESSSG (Emergency Skype Super-Special Guest) beacon and Denki’s Gary Penn answered the call. He had a haircut especially for the show but it would also get an outing for his big interview with Jonathan Smith this week’s Develop Conference. Denki had been working on Crackdown 3, but have recently been taking the opportunity to test a few new game ideas out. One of which has come to fruition as Autonauts, which you can download for free on

We also spoke to Gary about working on magazines (which involved the Mario coin sound needing to be used), how making games helps you learn about ropes and which pubs he went to in Bath. There was also confirmation on the official OLL Style Guide pronunciation of and Ann got married!

And it was Engineer Week this week at Resonance FM. Thanks to our excellent engineers, we literally couldn’t do the show without you.

Team OLL x


1. Gigatron - Bubble Bobble Theme
2. Pinozulp - Gods (Into The Antanifull)
3. Captain MoreGain - Return To Monkey Island