One Life Left -- s14e04 -- #318 -- Switchy and Scratchy

Published: May 18, 2017, 7:49 p.m.

Apologies for the delay in releasing this episode - our Caretaker was at a team build in Doncaster. Unfortunately Derek Williams wasn’t providing the after-dinner entertainment but there’s always next time.

Simon was finally back in the country and on the show after a world tour that took in Toronto, Great Yarmouth and Greece and also a flight that was delayed 27 hours. Luckily this meant that Simon had plenty of opportunities to play the Switch in various locations and with different people, including ex-contributors Taliah and Dexter. So without an SSG we decided to discuss the Switch in more detail. Do we think it will change the videogame world? Or how it will change the tea break at cricket matches? And can we persuade Ann to buy her own Switch?

We also found out if Ann passed her driving test, the first line of Ste’s Nordic Game talk and Simon’s cunning plan for his Playstation. Sega Badawi managed to find a non-election story and we had a good idea for a Game Jam.

Team OLL x


1. Kal – On My Own[sgb-mix]
2. Ocean Palace – Zero Leaf