One Life Left -- s14e03 -- #317 -- Two Is Seven Or More

Published: May 10, 2017, 5:17 p.m.

Another week without Simon, but we’ve been promised that he will definitely be here next week. However, going by his Twitter as at Wednesday, this promise might not be kept. At least Ste will be here, even though Simon thinks Ste won’t be.

As one of Simon’s roles is to book the SSGs, we had to resort to sending a signal out. Luckily Lukas Roper answered and became an SSSG (Skype Super-Special Guest). When Ann found out what Lukas had previously worked on you could hear her gasp in admiration and you can too. Lukas is currently working on the excellently named Corrupt Cup Contest, which is a tongue in cheek online multiplayer game based on the ongoing FIFA scandal. It sounds like it’ll be great fun, although if Team OLL decide to play each other it’ll be a little boring as we all play by the rules and won’t stab each other in the back. Maybe.

Ann tells us a very interesting fact about the oceans and gives us some useful lessons in hacking while Ste made a quite good joke about Whitstable and is worrying about his new talk. We also had a feature from Sega Badawi, who is finding it difficult to have news stories that aren’t about the UK election.

Team OLL x


1. Ampliflyer - Post Physical
2. Mute Hero - BGM 00