One Life Left -- s14e00 -- #314 -- Something OLLd

Published: April 12, 2017, 8:26 p.m.

It’s the fourteenth season of One Life Left! Miracles can happen if you believe in them! For instance, Ste has a tan and could potentially be djing at Ann’s wedding for up to 22.5 minutes! Oh, and the caretaker could forget to press play and record, thereby missing important chat from the beginning of the episode so had to make a seamless edit (sort of)! Miracles!

Some people could argue that one such miracle would be Failbetter Games getting all of their Kickstarter money for Sunless Skies within one day, but we’re not too surprised by that as their games are rather excellent. And it was EXCLUSIVELY announced on One Life Left so it’s successful monetisation was assured.

This week’s Super-Special Guest was Cash Decuir from - no! But yes! - Failbetter Games so we got to talk to him about how you write for a game like Sunless Skies, what lessons were learnt from their previous Kickstarters and which flying insects are a force for good.

We had a debrief about our Marioke Live event, with the conclusion that it was excellent and that YOU should be there next time. Plus we raised enough money for Resonance that they’ll have no choice but to keep us on air. Sega Badawi gave us the latest Local News, Ann reviewed Wedding games and we also had a bit of goat butter chat. Standard videogame radio show stuff really.

Team OLL x


1. Himsy Pimsy - The Bell
2. Not too sure, we’ll update the website when we remember who did this