One Life Left -- s13e30 -- #311 -- Kings Of Beam-On

Published: Feb. 8, 2017, 6:06 p.m.

It’s just the lads tonight as Ann had a migraine. And being a kind, trusting team at One Life Left we take her at her word and don’t try to work out where else she could be - at least for the first half-hour anyway.

We also failed to have a Super-Special Guest in the studio. But luckily that meant we could talk to David Heslop about videogame tv via Skype. David told us how difficult it is to get videogames on television (usually through a SCART lead or HDMI cable) and how frustrating that is considering the many opportunities that games offer children’s tv.

Normally Ann being away causes issues with the news, but luckily Ann came to the rescue. There was also a bit of Parkinson chat, Simon told us what it’s like to be a big deal on Twitter and Ste nearly broke his NDA. Ouch.

Team OLL x


1. Hide Your Tigers - Decaying Tigers
2. Enders Crusade - Xenocide
3. Shintarou Music - Hanging