One Life Left -- s13e18 -- #299 -- 99 Red Baboons

Published: Oct. 26, 2016, 6:07 p.m.

For some reason there was a piano in the corner of the Resonance FM office and we felt it was a sign for Team OLL, not least because it had its top off. Two thirds of Team OLL had just flown in from Sweden (boy were our arms tired!) so we were still a little giddy from hosting an awards ceremony and giving hotel lobbies the gift of karaoke. Which reminds us: Come and see us this Saturday in Nottingham GameCity.

This week’s Super-Special Guest was Jamie Firth, who was on in his role as one half of Monkey 99 - the hot new company to help indies (and majors) produce their videogames. We find out if all publishers are evil, where indie game developers go wrong and if Jamie knew everything about his business partner before they joined forces. He really should have spoken to our HR director before he made the leap - it would have helped him immensely.

Next week is our three hundredth episode - expect us to forget and not do anything spectacular. But we’ll probably have the dependable Sega Badawi providing us with Local News as he did this week. We’ll also find out if Simon’s PSVR has finally made its voyage to the bottom of the canal where it will join his Wii. Fare thee well, Simon’s PSVR.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Duck Boy - Going Down in Smoke and Flames
2. Bryc - Swellv2m