One Life Left -- s13e16 -- #297 -- Game Bejam

Published: Oct. 12, 2016, 8:35 p.m.

After an Ann-sized absence (or Ann-sence) last week we welcomed the return of our HR director and person who reads the full news story (and not just the url). But what did she get up to in Iceland? How deep did the conspiracy go? And how were eggs involved?

This week's Super-Special Guest did not bring any eggs, but he is a Cooke! It was Robbie Cooke from Rebellion who was on the show to promote what some are calling 'the best PS VR launch game' - Battlezone. It's an official VR version of the old Atari wireframe game and sounds really good. But we were more interested in how Rebellion bought the IP rights from Atari and how we could use it to improve our own standing in the videogame world.

We were also excited as the day after recording we were going to find out if we had won our second GMA. While you wait with baited breath to find out the result, keep listening to hear what Simon's son uses the most sophisticated of voice recognition technology to do, find out the latest local news from Sega Badawi and help us find out some gossip about Bithell's new mate Perko.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Klamm - Nukem
2. Veenomn - Jamn