One Life Left -- s11e16 -- #257 -- Raising the Barbara-ian

Published: July 15, 2015, 9:45 p.m.

Unfortunately having to do three episodes in a row took its first victim as Simon took the week off. But he forgot to check this with HR and with his appraisal due this wasn't a good time to be doing this. Luckily our HR is an incredibly efficient department and managed to get a highly qualified Super-Special Guest Host in Tim Hibbs from the Big Red Barrel podcast. We highly recommend his podcast for those rare weeks when we haven't done a show (but if you listen any other time you'll go on The List).

And in addition to our SSGH we also had a SSG! Kristian Andrews from Studio OwlBear came into the, er, studio to tell us about his game Barbara-Ian and to let out a Category C swear word. It's a Rogue-like (depending on the definition) based on a series of videos that Kristian sent to annoy Comedy Central/win a competition that Comedy Central had. We found out how Kristian had the idea to turn it into a video game and tried to come up with names for a sequel. Oh, and it's out on Friday!

GameUnder told us of his latest developments in games under development and Sega Badawi dropped some local news on those assembled. Team OLL decided that a trip to Montreal was in order, Ann had a photo with a Japanese rock band, Ste got incredibly worried about fridges and brainstormed a sequel to Chuckie Egg (that already exists). You might also pick up during this episode that Ste has launched a new Kickstarter, but we hardly mention it.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Buried For a Day - Pathways
2. Motionride - Utterless[edm-amiga-chiptune]
3. Brink - Joe Shmoe in Rio
4. Laffe the Fox - The Sweden Experience