One Life Left -- s11e11 -- #252 -- Developers with Benefits

Published: May 20, 2015, 8:33 p.m.

It's a fairly open secret in the games 'industry' that One Life Left are the only King Makers worth dealing with. Mike Bithell's success is entirely down to us and console makers worldwide have a direct feed to the cupboard under Simon's stairs knowing that if their console ends up in there they can consider it to be finished. So we were pleased to welcome Laughing Jackal's Al Evans back to the studio to see how his game Flame Over has been doing, what new systems it might be moving across to and how we might best upset Rock Paper Shotgun on his behalf (to be honest we just needed the excuse).

Simon was using his programming skills to try to hack Sony in order to get an Anniversary PS4, Ann started to make a game, Ste worried about his new talk and we all got concerned that we had upset GameUnder in some way. We never want to upset GameUnder.

As usual Sega Badawi provided some Local News, but we had the welcome return of Derek Williams. We also spoke about our partners and family members (sorry partners and family members), made preparations for Eurovision, reflected on Martin Hollis and asked: is Super Smash Brothers any good?

All this and we didn't wear any plaid.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Richard H Bright - S101 (HMS Dreadnought)
2. MilLS DJ - Comin' Home