One Life Left — s10e07 — #225 — Time Of Our Lives

Published: July 23, 2014, 1:23 a.m.

One Life Left returns after a two week break and everything has changed. Or at least one thing has: the caretaker is on holiday, which means Ste is back to uploading the podcast which means it's frankly some kind of miracle that you're even reading this. If there's a second miracle and you can hear it too, here's what to expect:

* Super special guest Rachael Reynolds talks Sunless Sea, Fallen London, drops some exclusive news involving another dev studio and teaches us how to do interviews

* The team discuss their various engagements, including Simon's fun at Develop, Ste's adventures in Joensuu and Ann's trip to Kelis

* There's some promotion for the not-at-all-confusing third #THIRDSDAY, this time on a Wednesday, i.e. potentially tonight, so see you at The Loading Bar

* Reviews, news, features, letters, etc. And lots of music, talking of which...

Track List:

1. Iron Ore - Sentiment

2. Klamm - Score

3. Calavera - About Us

4. Motionride - Whatever You Wish