One Life Left -- s10e04 -- #222 -- Brogue Likes

Published: June 25, 2014, 7:36 p.m.

One Life Left prides itself on its news team. Ann has been with the show as a cub reporter and we've seen her grow into the excellent news journalist that you hear today. But she doesn't really get the support from Simon and Ste that she deserves. As you will hear in this week's episode where the lads don't expect her to get any proper journalism done with respect to Atari and their LGBT statement. You can expect to hear the All Apologies music next week.

We didn't have to apologise to our Super-Special Guest this week who was Darren Grey from Roguelike Radio. He managed to help clear up the differences between Rogue and Roguelikes. Luckily we didn't ask him what the difference was between a Roguelike and The Like as it would have gotten terribly confusing. However, after our advice he will have to amend the name of his podcast slightly or he may be hearing from our legal team.

Also on the show Simon asks a rather technical programming question. He's changed. Ann thinks of skinny jeans and Ste talks about cricket. They haven't changed. Sega Badawi reads the local news and Super Roger World speaks to his agent. And if you would like to change the list of contributors (by creating a new feature) then send something in to the usual address. Thingy's going to do one again and she's been away for AGES.

There's a review of how our second #THIRDSDAY went down amongst the footy fans and Ann promoted the show during the Radius Festival by not actually mentioning the show. But that's because she's a journalist not a promoter. Plus Ste wasn't there to point at her, which is the usual gesture that makes her say our web address.

Team OLL x


Track list:
1. Kommisar - Cherry Cola
2. Chema64 - The Mother We Share
3. Imaginary - Strawberry Crush