One Life Left -- s08e02 -- #172 -- Randy was with Family

Published: July 4, 2012, 6:55 p.m.

It's another amazing episode of One Life Left this week and we're proud to announce that Randy Pitchford is on our to show talk about Borderlands 2 and - sorry, what? He'd rather spend more time with his family? What are we going to do now? Who would be stupid enough to come on our show and the very last minute? Perhaps we could ask Danny Wallace, if he wasn't too busy ignoring his roots...

It's another amazing episode of One Life Left and we're proud to announce the welcome return of FOTS and helmer of the excellent Thomas Was Alone, Mike Bithell. Well, he helmed it, but it was mostly our idea. You'll find out in the show if Ste can manage to stop Mike talking about himself and 'his' game for one minute. Tsk, anyone would think he was the guest or something.

And slowly but surely the regular features are starting to return. As well as Derek Williams, we see the season returns of Craig 'The Rage' McLelland and Duncan 'Week O' Wiki Wah Wah' Timiney. So there's your OLL guarantee of excellence (no claims can be made if this guarantee is not met).

Team OLL x


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