One Life Left -- s07e25 -- #169 -- Tracksuit and Field

Published: Jan. 11, 2012, 7:31 p.m.

Happy New Year listeners! Hopefully you had a good festive period, but it probably wasn't as good as the one the Resonance FM computer had. He was obviously still feeling the after-effects of partying throughout Christmas and kept crashing every so often to be sick in the corner. He also caused the feed to skip every so often.

Our Super Special Guest was Dan Clark from Mealtime Strategy, and he coped rather well with our poor attempts at punning food dishes from video games, as well as the PC going on the blink. Have we mentioned that enough already?

At least the Resonance PC actually turned up for the show as we had no contributors this week. Presumably they're all still burning off those Christmas calories using that Zumba game that Daria is always mentioning.

Whilst this is the last episode of the season, we announce our special GDC show and also OLL Nites/Nights/Knights (we'll work out the spelling soon). We also would like to invite you all to the next Wild Rumpus event that will be held on Thursday 2nd February at 93 Wild East. Come and be pushed over by Team OLL in person!

Team OLL x