One Life Left -- s07e21 -- #165 -- Dictionary Corner

Published: Nov. 22, 2011, 7:57 p.m.

Remember when we kept annoying you lot by going on about the karaoke? Well we're not going to do the same with our Christmas Party as you'll find out in this week's episode. We even keep our Skyrim talk to a minimum - sixty minutes is a minimum right?

Ste and Simon offer the warmest of non-secrective handshakes and Ann offers her laptop to Tris Defries of Rising Star Games. He tells us about the latest in Japanese games and we try to improve our listening skills by talking over him.

As well as Daria, we welcome the return of Doctor Avatar and Craig 'the Rage' McClelland. And there's also Kory from the Miriam Webster Dictionary Service who helps us soar like an eagle, before making us crash like a bandicoot.

Team OLL x