One Life Left -- s07e20 -- #164 -- Touch The Sky (rim)

Published: Nov. 15, 2011, 8:36 p.m.

We may go on about the latest Big New Game a bit too much in this episode. But we find time to stop talking about COD:MW3 and mention Skyrim a few times. Well more than a few times. In fact we mention it so much that our recording cut out for thirty seconds partway through Ste's review of Skyrim, but we feel confident that this won't affect your knowledge of Skyrim. You might not realise how much Ste likes to drink in parks though. If we get the FULL UNEDITED review then we'll make it available, although we might have to improve our sneaking skills so we can get it past The Man first.

As well as impressing Ann with our Skyrim talk, we also have Nik Blower from Nordic Games on the show and he seems just as into Skyrim as Ann does. He manages to pull us away from Skyrim for a few moments so that he can talk about his new We Sing game. However, he fails to tell us that Muenchner Freiheit are on We Sing Deutsche Hits (except it's not Keeping The Dream Alive - fingers crossed for the sequel though!).

The majority of our contributors were too busy playing Skyrim to send anything in this week, but Daria managed to get something to us. It was, as usual, amazing. But not as amazing as Skyrim.

Team OLL x