One Life Left -- s07e18 -- #162 -- Hit the Midlands

Published: Nov. 1, 2011, 8:34 p.m.

First off, we're sorry. You'll find out why in this week's episode.

Secondly, we're really sorry. Because we didn't have a guest booked for this week's episode so we have to talk about what we got up to in the week.

Thirdly, we're really, truly sorry. For ruining our annual pilgrimage up to the Midlands (Nottingham is as far north as Ann is prepared to go*) with drunken antics and flower based shenanigans.

Hang on, apart from the flower bit (which totes wasn't our fault) don't we do this every episode after Gamecity? Oh yeah, it's all coming back to us now! Anyway, in between blurry, drunken memories Daria and Duncan help us understand Halloween in Russia and Rivalries in games (no mention of us versus Eurogamer though).  Ariel answers another question from a listener sandwiched between some bleeping noises and Ste also gives the definitive Uncharted 3 review that will blow the whole games industry open!

Team OLL x

* Although we hear our caretaker works in the website mines in Yorkshire. He is a braver man than us.