One Life Left -- s07e13 -- #157 -- Prepare to Die

Published: Sept. 28, 2011, 1:38 p.m.

One Life Left is a radio show about videogames. Prepare to die! This week the team talk about Dark Souls. Prepare to die! They recall the EG Expo and the party afterwards. Prepare to die! They remember how they behaved. Prepare to die, inwardly, on-air. SORRY EVERYONE.

Also in this episode:

++ The longest news story in OLL history!

++ A somewhat laborious analogy for the difficulty in Dark Souls which will only work for people familiar with early 2000s UK pop, i.e. Ste and Ann and other Popjustice veterans

++ An EXCLUSIVE Sabrepulse track! Sort of. It might be exclusive. Let's say it's exclusive

Also more brilliant music, reviews and some fabulous features including the last of the current batch from game designer Ella. Join OLL in thanking and congratulating her. We hope she'll be back for Season 8...

This is the final week without our caretaker so expect a better description and more timely podcast next week. It can't come soon enough, frankly. Real work is exhausting!

Until then,

Team OLL
