One Life Left -- s07e08 -- #152 -- Bigger than medium

Published: Aug. 17, 2011, 7:41 p.m.

First off, we owe an apology to Simon. Last week we accused him of sabotaging our show, but now we've had the time to think it was probably of our our rivals for the GMAs. Especially since we've been the victims of further skulduggery which made us delay uploading this week's podcast. It couldn't have been fellow GMA nominee and last week's guest Jane Douglas could it? No, almost certainly not.

We do have another super-special guest presenter this week in Noodlefruit's Ron Festejo. Will he recognise us after four years away? Probably, once we start making errors. At least he helps us fix broken Nintendo.

And there's our amazing contributors Derek Williams, Doctor Avatar, Ariel Angelotti and Craig 'the Rage' McLelland. So it's another episode of the excellent GMA nominated gaming radio show. And it's on the super-excellent FM radio, not crackly medium wave!

Team OLL x