One Life Left -- s07e05 -- #149 -- 1 MC and 3 DJs

Published: July 26, 2011, 7:21 p.m.

WARNING: This episode of One Life Left may contains Muse songs sung by Simon Byron.

With that warning out of the way we can assure you that the rest of this week's episode of One Life Left is excellent (not that Simon's singing isn't, but you know...). It's even a prize-winning episode as Simon awards a game to the best letter. There'll be a game to win next week as well, so be sure to write in.

One person who is already a prize-winning writer is our super-special guest - Official Xbox 360 Magazine's globe-trotting Mike Channell. We grill him as you'd expect from the expert interviewers that we are. Donate to Mike's triathlon at

Derek Williams continues his look at the charts, while Duncan sheds some light on Do The Know It's Christmas (no warning required for this one). We also have the welcome returns of Ella Lavelle and Ariel Angelotti.

If you have any good lyrics for 8-bit Karaoke then send them in to the usual address and you could have your creation sung by Simon! Oh, and let us know if you're mates with Midge Ure, we'll be nice to him. Promise.

Team OLL x