One Life Left -- s07e04 -- #148 -- Band Aid Hero

Published: July 19, 2011, 8:40 p.m.

As you all know, we've been holding excellent parties in the Blue Posts for a good few years (along with some sexy after parties in various hotel lobbies). Unfortunately Rock Paper Shotgun failed to acknowledge this fact so we call them out on air over it.

That's not all, as Ann and Simon give a lovely rendition of what the One Life Left Christmas single could sound like. We eagerly await to hear what Rock Paper Shotgun's single will be. Knowing them it'll probably be featuring the Judas MC Simon 'Parky' Parkin.

Not that we're full of hate. In fact we're full of love for our excellent contributors Derek Williams, the doyouinverts austerity measures, Our Game, Doctor Avatar and Matt and Steve's Amazing Pokemon Week. There's also love for Leigh Alexander in the letters section, but will she accept the offer? Tune in next week to find out!

Team OLL x