One Life Left -- s07e03 -- #147 -- 1 Bit Hell

Published: July 12, 2011, 7:11 p.m.

If there's one thing that One Life Left knows our readers like then it's EXCLUSIVES. And if there are two things they like then they are EXCLUSIVES about the colours of games. We use our interviewing skills to get this information out of Mike Bithell from Bossa Studios, along with using our social media skills to see what our listeners who don't work or sleep with him think about Mike as a person.

As well as this there are two new features, Ella Lavelle takes over the youngest correspondent mantle and Q Games' Ariel Angelotti tells us about the differences between Japanese and Western gamers. If you have any questions for Ariel then send them to her on twitter @arielotti. We also have a 3D special as Derek Williams, Duncan Timiney and the doyouinverts all contribute in their own excellent ways.

One more thing, we proclaim Simon Parkin as a Judas in this episode. Sometimes we regret things that are said live on air and remove them from the podcast. Please note that we kept the Simon Parkin bit in.

Team OLL x

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