One Life Left -- s06e24 -- #144 -- Spring Break

Published: March 7, 2011, 2:59 p.m.

It's the very last episode of Season 6 and that means the team, typically, are in a boistrous, last-day-of-school mood. Which is fortunate because they've only got one pre-recorded feature and an hour of airtime to fill. So, videogames, eh? What're they all about? And etc. Spring Break!


Also in #144:


++ Lots of pre-GDC chat. How accurate were our predictions? Did we even predict anything, or just giggle a lot? 


++ OLL retrofuturespective discussion: a bit of looking backwards, a dash of looking forwards. Do we have any plans? What are those plans? Oh.


++ Some news, some reviews, some OBE-chat. You know the drill. It's been a long season. And a fun one, right? Right? Right?


And that's it. One Life Left will be back in April. But keep your ears on Resonance 104.4FM and your eye on this feed because we'll be doing other things in between.




Team OLL


PS If you want to contribute to the new series of OLL get in touch.


PPS See you soon! Love you xxxxx