One Life Left -- s06e19 -- #139 -- The Biggest Show

Published: Jan. 23, 2011, 5:48 p.m.

One Life Left shows are like buses. They're noisy, difficult to control, dangerous to cyclists and they have very little to do with videogames. No, wait, that's not right...




Isn't it something to do with how you wait ages for one and then (potentially) three come along at once? Like:


1) This episode, which was lost for two weeks before Ste managed to locate the memory card (which came perilously close to the washing machine)...


2) Last week's episode, which didn't record (because we had to borrow one from Resonance, which turned out not to work) but we're hoping for a bootleg copy tomorrow...


and 3) Tomorrow's episode, which you can hear live on Resonance 104.4FM or streamed at at 7pm. Normally we'd tell you to wait for the podcast, but, etc.


We'll be addressing our 'timing' 'issues' in Season 6*, 


In this episode, the first of the trilogy, please find some minor amount of videogame discussion alongside One Life Left's plans for 2011 and lots of brilliant music / features. It's going to be a good year.




Team OLL



PS Remember to follow us on Twitter / Facebook / tell your friends / etc. We rely on word of mouth for publicity. WE NEED YOU AND CHERISH EVERY PIECE OF HELP YOU GIVE US. Although we were on the iTunes front page over Christmas, apparently. Thank goodness the featured show wasn't an end-of-year car-crash or anything, right? HMM.


* Someone else is going to put the episodes online, basically.